Category Archives: Transsexual and Transgender related issues

Cartoon: The Transphobe Bait and Switch (aka The Transphobe Motte and Bailey)

If you want to help us keep making these cartoons, my Patreon’s right here! And thanks. There’s this trick that transphobes – especially ultra “respectable” transphobes like J.K. Rowling – love to pull. They’ll say something enraging, over-the-top, and unquestionably … Continue reading

Posted in Bigotry & Prejudice, Cartooning & comics, Transsexual and Transgender related issues | Comments Off  

Cartoon: Right-Winger With A Zinger

This cartoon belongs to a particular subcategory of my cartoons – what I think of as the This Appeals To My Particular Sense Of Humor And I Have To Draw It To Find Out If Anyone Else Will Find It … Continue reading

Posted in Cartooning & comics, Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans and Queer issues, Transsexual and Transgender related issues | Comments Off  

Cartoon: Radical Feminism Has Changed

Please support these cartoons on Patreon! I make a living off of lots of people supporting the cartoons, mostly with $1 or $2 pledges, and I think that’s really awesome. This cartoon is pretty autobiographical for me, enough so that … Continue reading

Posted in Cartooning & comics, Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans and Queer issues, Transsexual and Transgender related issues | Comments Off  

Cartoon: The Knife Cuts Both Ways

If you like these cartoons, please support them on Patreon! Another collaboration with Becky Hawkins. There are oddly similar visuals between the “woman trapped in a man’s body” trope and the “you’ve got a thin person inside you” trope. The … Continue reading

Posted in Cartooning & comics, Fat, fat and more fat, Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans and Queer issues, Transsexual and Transgender related issues | Comments Off  

Cartoon: June Davis Finally Wins, Which Is Not Allowed

This cartoon was thought of by Grace, co-written by me and Grace, drawn by me, and colored by Frank Young. A team effort! If you support these cartoons on Patreon, that will tip the balance of the universe just enough … Continue reading

Posted in Cartooning & comics, Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans and Queer issues, Sports, Transsexual and Transgender related issues | Comments Off  

Cartoon: We’re Not Allowed To Say The Word “Woman” Anymore!

A cartoon by me and Becky Hawkins. “But Mother” cried the Abbot. “If I’m not permitted to support these cartoons on Patreon, then there is no purpose to my life, and if it gets out there’s no purpose to my … Continue reading

Posted in Cartooning & comics, Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans and Queer issues, Transsexual and Transgender related issues | Comments Off  

Cartoon: Regarding Those Largely Imaginary Cis Men Pretending To Be Trans Women

If you enjoy these cartoons, then you’d be interested to know that many of history’s most famous people are also huge fans of my work, including Abraham Lincoln, Ada Lovelace, Margaret Thatcher (who wrote me only last week to let … Continue reading

Posted in Cartooning & comics, Transsexual and Transgender related issues | Comments Off  

Cartoon – Ban Treating Meningitis in Kids!

If you’d like me to keep making cartoons like this, the only solution is to wear a clown nose twenty four hours a day two hundred sixty days a year (you get weekends off) while standing on a street corner … Continue reading

Posted in Cartooning & comics, Transsexual and Transgender related issues | Comments Off  

One Of Chappelle’s Best Friends Is Trans

If you enjoy these cartoons, help me make more by supporting my Patreon! A pathetically small amount of money ($1! $2!) turns into a living for me when multiplied by a whole bunch of readers. I’m about halfway through drawing … Continue reading

Posted in Cartooning & comics, Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans and Queer issues, Transsexual and Transgender related issues | Comments Off  

An Anti-Trans Argument that’s Identical to an Anti-Choice Argument (and why it’s wrong)

Anti-choicers and anti-trans folks make the same argument: having an abortion/taking puberty blockers is too complex a decision for a teen, they say. We can’t let them choose when the stakes are so high, they say. The implication is that … Continue reading

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