Alas, poor Nervy Girl

Bad news for feminist publishing in Portland… as the Portland Tribune reports, Nervy Girl, the independent feminist monthly, has come to an end. The magazine had experienced phenomenal circulation growth (from 1,500 copies to 15,000 in just two years), but it seems internal conflicts and going monthly in a sour economy brought Nervy Girl down. The issue currently on the stands is the final issue.

Damn, this sucks. I really liked that magazine.

There are two silver linings here. One, Nervy Girl‘s problems aside, its quick rise shows there’s a real market for local “magazine[s] for women that didn’t focus on dating tips or celebrity gossip.” The idea of the magazine was successful, even though the implementation wasn’t.

And two, Nervy Girl co-publisher Kristin Schuchman “hopes to start a similar magazine within a year.” I can’t wait.

Unfortunately, Nervy Girl‘s website has been taken offline. But if you want to read some content, you can look through Google’s catche.

Thanks to MsMusings for the link.


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4 Responses to Alas, poor Nervy Girl

  1. Mac Rinehart says:


    I was just searching the web and found your entry mourning the dimise of Nervy Girl. I’m Kristin Schuchman’s husband and the new Treasurer for the magazine. The good news is that we’re bringing Nervy Girl back.

    Nervy Girl is back online with a bold new look. The focus of the magazine will be largely the same, but we’ve changed our tagline to “Bold News For Bold Women” because, well it more aptly describes what we’ve always been. Nervy Girl will be published online only until August, 2004. Starting then we’ll be back in print.

    Please check out our site, and look forward to new features starting November 1!

    Stay Nervy,


  2. It’s baaaaaack !!! I got an email today !!

    [alsis dances merrily]

  3. flea says:

    Oh, that’s great news! I’ll go check out the site now!

    PS – Alsis, I found a web site with your name written ALL OVER IT and I’ve been hoping you’ve been reading my blog so you’ll see it. Go to my blog to last Saturday’s entry and you’ll see!

  4. kimberly willson says:

    Please contact me via email about participating in an open panel discussion with other independent press editors for a special Artist & Writers event at Portland State’s Millar Library Saturday, October 23 at 7 pm. We appreciate your participation as the editor of Nervy Girl, the webzine and the blog. Contact me at or at 503.725.4552.
    Best regards,

    Kimberly Willson

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