Katha Pollitt wins National Magazine Award

Katha Pollitt, possibly my favorite feminist writer, has won this year’s National Magazine Award for best columns and commentary. “This category recognizes excellence in short-form political, social, economic or humorous commentary. The award honors the eloquence, force of argument and succinctness with which the writer presents his or her views.”

The columns Pollitt (or, strictly speaking, The Nation‘s editor) won for were two attacks on religious (not just Islamic) fundamentalism (“As Ms World Turns” and “God Changes Everything”) and “Backlash Babies”, a critique of Sylvia Ann Hewlett’s SCLM-favored but poor-selling book Creating a Life.

The honoring of “Backlash Babies” feels a bit arbitrary; it’s an excellent piece but no better than dozens of others Pollitt wrote in 2003. But “As Ms World Turns” and “God Changes Everything” are stand-out columns, exceptional for their angry eloquence and their scope.

Once again, thanks to MsMusings for the links.


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