Jessica Nathanson, also known as Plain(s)Feminist, passed away last night of breast cancer.
I started reading her blog a few years ago and was quickly hooked by her insights, intelligence, and honest, open writing style. After she was diagnosed, I nervously followed her entries about her treatment – all the while thinking, though, that of course she would get better, because I’d known other people who’d gotten better, and how could someone possibly not get better when here they were, writing about it? And for a while it seemed that she had gotten better.
Upon starting graduate school (hell, before that, really) I started to fall out of the blogosphere. Even blogs that I’d once followed daily I started only checking once or twice a week, if that. And then, abruptly, I learned from BFP that she had died.
I had that strange, often vaguely parasitic relationship with her that a reader has with a writer – I commented on her posts rarely, as is my habit, so I’m sure she had no idea who I am, and yet because of her writing I felt as close to her as if we’d known each other personally.
I don’t know what to say about this other than it hurts, and I wish, fervently, that she was still here.
Pingback: In Memoriam: Plain(s)feminist « Kittywampus
Oh Jesus. I went to school with her and had lost track. Thanks, Julie, for the announcement; I will send a note to Dan.