The 2011 Eisner nominations are out… This is no big deal. I can take it or leave it. I mean, it’s only the comic book industry’s biggest award, and Will Eisner is only one of my favorite artists EVER, and I DID take Eisner’s class at SVA, but it’s not like I care or any–
What’s that?
Hereville made the nom list, you say?
No biggie.
Er, pardon me just a moment.
As I was saying, nothing to get excited about.
Heartiest congratulations on a very well-deserved nomination!
Congratulations! And it is indeed very well deserved.
You might like this. My 5-year-old was working on something at the table this morning, and he held his pencil on his nose so it was sticking straight out and said, “I have a long nose like … (and, of course, I’m waiting for him to say Pinocchio) … Mirka’s mom!”
Rock on, Amp.
Awesome sauce.
Congrats! Hereville was such a great read, I can’t wait for our family vacation where I can show it to my nieces.
Way to illustrate, dude!
What everyone else has said. Except that I have no pencil-nosed 5-year old. But all the rest of it.
Congratulations! Well deserved! Not that you’re excited or anything, of course.
Thanks, everyone!
And Chingona, that’s fantastic! Thanks for telling me that. :-)
Amp, you’re freaking awesome. Congratulations, buddy.
Hey, wait, does this mean that you’ll be at Comic-Con this year?
Considering it… But I’m not sure yet. It’s an expensive trip, alas.
GRATZMO! Next time I’m up in Portland or you’re in SF, the beer/latte/mocha nonfat soy frappe whatsit is on me.
I love the illustration! Congrats on your nomination! (wow, it rhymes…)
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