Today's date is 03-04-05

Just thought I’d mention.

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10 Responses to Today's date is 03-04-05

  1. Sean M says:

    It’s also a command (if you’re willing to indulge in homophony).

    March forth, Amp!

  2. Fred Vincy says:

    Somewhere, Pythagoras is smiling….

  3. DonBoy says:

    And for most of the rest of the world, it’s not 3/4/05 until next month, so you can enjoy it again then.

  4. jam says:

    those foreigners & their terrorist calendar systems!

    month/day/year = good
    day/month/year = terrorist

    oh, and the metric system is a commie plot. pass it on.

  5. Trish Wilson says:

    You should have posted at 06:07 pm. ;)

  6. Ampersand says:

    You should have posted at 06:07 pm.

    Darn it, why didn’t I think of that! Waaaaah!

  7. Radfem says:

    Well, tomorrow is my niece’s birthday where she lives, but here, not until Monday, but since she was born there not here, I guess it’s tomorrow here which would be then be yesterday there

  8. Julian Elson says:

    Whoa! A pythagorean triple day!

  9. Trish Wilson says:

    You should have posted at 06:07 pm.

    Darn it, why didn’t I think of that! Waaaaah!

    Well, you can always post on 05/05/05 at 05:05 pm. ;)

  10. Sundre says:

    Wasn’t there a palindromic date a while back?


    (d/m/y, and even better if at 20:02 PM on a 24hour clock)

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