GLAAD praises the 'Daily Show with Jon Stewart'

After I heard that Texas had banned same-sex couples or LGBT people from adopting children in desperate need of a loving home, I switched over to my favorite fake-news show, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart on Comedy Central to see their take on this issue. I certainly was happy to see Jon call Texas out for their homophobic discriminatory bullshit politics. And so was G.L.A.A.D., obviously.

‘The Daily Show with Jon Stewart’ Uses Humor to Skewer Homophobes –April 26, 2005
In its “fake news” coverage, ‘The Daily Show’ uses its incisive wit to bring to light the bigotry and prejudice of those who oppose full civil rights for gay and lesbian people. Stewart’s comments on the Texas measure to bar gay men and lesbians from becoming foster parents are particularly on-target.

Feel free to watch the clip it’s very entertaining and true, really. I can always count Jon and his fake journalist cohorts to call out neoconservative wingnuttery when it’s ‘gone wild’ like this. And then reduce them to amusing satire and parodies.

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9 Responses to GLAAD praises the 'Daily Show with Jon Stewart'

  1. Ampersand says:

    My favorite part of that clip is Jon’s seemingly genuine anger at Kira Phillips and Carol Lynn for their lie-enabling “on the one hand, on the other hand” style of journalism.

  2. Alex Fradera says:

    Where might one find a link to a clip of this?

  3. Anne says:

    I wish TDS would do that sort of thing more often.

  4. Byron says:

    Here’s the chip on Comedy Central’s website. It’s after the story about Spain. It includes the made up fact that 11 times more abuse by homosexual households.

  5. Pseudo-Adrienne says:

    Where might one find a link to a clip of this?

    Click on the GLAAD link and then look over to the right, under the Media sidebar. There will be a picture of Jon Stewart in the small article with a link at the end that says “view clip.” Hope that helps.

  6. acallidryas says:

    My favorite part of that clip is Jon’s seemingly genuine anger at Kira Phillips and Carol Lynn for their lie-enabling “on the one hand, on the other hand”? style of journalism.

    From his crossfire appearance, and being a faithful watcher of Daily Show, I think it was genuine. And it’s my favorite thing about the show in general.

  7. Twisty says:

    Texas legislators have a seemingly limitless tolerance for absurdity, and deserve as much mockery as possible! But at the risk of splitting hairs, the Texas legislation to which you allude, State Senate Bill 6, has not actually passed (yet); it’s currently back in committee, where a Rebublican senator, Jane Nelson, has vowed to expunge the anti-gay-foster-parents amendment from what began as a general foster care overhaul bill.

  8. nolo says:

    Jon Stewart is My Hero. He’s the reason I finally broke down and got cable after resisting all these years.

  9. This is what the anti-gay bigots are doing now, now that every single reputable organisation studying the family, children, etc show how boringly normal and usual same-sex parented familes are, they have to MAKE SHIT UP or, they quote single awful studies that every one of those organisations have either completely dismissed or simply laughed hysterically at.

    And guess what? These bigots are scared shitless. Why? Because they know the same thing we do: us queers are gonna win :)

    Oh, and I love John Stewart, me and my gf often watch him curled up in bed together, laughing our heads off :)

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