Help me fix the big gap above the tables!

I was looking at these two posts about prostate cancer vs. breast cancer from early 2003 – here and here – and noticing a huge gap that appears above the tables in both of them. This has been a problem I’ve had before, when posting tables on “Alas.” If anyone knows of a solution to the problem, could you please do me a favor and post it in the comments? Thanks.

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4 Responses to Help me fix the big gap above the tables!

  1. Robert says:

    You have many orphaned breaks. Lose the breaks that are not contained within a table element.

    I’ve e-mailed you the replacement table code. Just cut and paste it into your post over the existing table code. (Don’t worry about the little piece that calls a script that captures your credit card information. Trust me.)

    If you wrote that HTML yourself, remember that in a table all display material should be contained within a table element (row or column), otherwise the browser can get snippy. If your HTML was generated by a software package, shake your fist gently against its maker for having bad table creation code.

  2. Ampersand says:

    Well, that was strange (at first). The code you emailed me appeared identical to the code in the entry. And pasting in your code to the “edit post” screen made no difference at all.

    Then I figured out that I should look at the source code for the page, not just the “edit post” screen. It turns out WordPress is adding lots of line breaks into the html after I hit “save entry,” and that’s what produced the orphaned breaks you’re talking about.

    So to fix the problem, I had to delete all the breaks between lines of the table in what I wrote, so there were no line breaks for the WordPress parser to accidently turn into html line breaks.

    Anyhow, it’s fixed now.

  3. Robert says:

    WordPress is bad.

  4. Ron O says:

    I also avoid putting tables inside paragraph or other formatting tags.

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