Bilge from a Jewish Think Tank

Someone emailed me to point out that on the message boards of a certain neo-Nazi group are currently discussing my cartoon “White Lies.” You can imagine how much it saddens me that they don’t seem to like the cartoon. My favorite comment so far: “Bilge from a Jewish think tank. I think any normal, healthy White would see it for what it is.”

If you’re curious, you can paste*rmfr* into your browser, but replace the asterisks with the letter O.

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7 Responses to Bilge from a Jewish Think Tank

  1. RonF says:

    That’s one domain name I don’t care to have pop up in any records associated with my ID.

  2. Sydsquicious says:

    Ughh! These idiots are something else.

  3. JutGory says:

    On the one hand, you should probably feel complimented that you are a “One-Man Think Tank.” (I consider myself more of a “think jar” or a “think can,” or maybe even a “think canister,” like those things Pringles come in. MMMMM…Pringles.)

    On the other hand, are they making a joke about your weight?


  4. Dreidel says:

    Totally overwrought cartoon, though.

  5. Jake Squid says:

    Curious though I am, I think I’ll wait for somebody else to screencap it for me.

  6. Hugh says:

    The concept of ‘bilge’ coming from a think ‘tank’ is moderately witty.

  7. resident_alien says:

    Jewish think tank….that phrase carries a distinct Goebbels-ian whiff of conspiracy theory crap. Andof course,it’s juxtaposed against “normal, healthy White”. Excuse mewhileI puke.

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