PFLAG's statement on Zach's release

Remember the story about Zach, the young Tennessee boy whose parents, shortly after he came out to them, sent him to a Christian-based “reparative therapy” and “ex-gay” camp called ‘Love in Action’. Two days ago, Zach was released from the proverbial Room 101 and fascist-“make you hate yourself ’til you turn hetero or kill yourself”-camp–thankfully! P.F.L.A.G. has released this statement about the case, which also calls for a closer look at so called “reparative therapy” and other “ex-gay” programs that have been noted to cause a severe internalization of self-hate and lead to suicide in LGBT people–especially young people.

July 26, 2005 ““ Washington, D.C. ““ As Zach Stark, the Tennessee teen who recently gained national attention after blogging his fears of being sent to Love in Action, is released from the program this week, Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) calls for an ongoing and substantive discussion about the effects of “reparative therapy” on young people and their families.[…]

The “reparative therapy” industry uses disproved medical theories to “cure” GLBT persons and preys upon those in pain and confusion about matters of sexual orientation. Their claims and methods have been roundly denounced by the American Medical Association (AMA), American Psychiatric Association (APA) and other medical professionals.

PFLAG applauds greater scrutiny of “reparative therapy”, “conversion therapy” or “ex-gay” programs. Because of the attention surrounding Zach’s story, the Tennessee Department of Health began an investigation and notified the unlicensed Love in Action that it was functioning illegally by claiming to offer therapy and could face prosecution by the district attorney.[…]

Zach’s fears were well-founded. According to the AMA and APA, “reparative therapy” does not work. But the dangers of these programs are real. At a minimum, those in “reparative therapy” must cope with the emotional damage of being relentlessly badgered with fear tactics and being told to change who they are. At worse they are at risk for self-destructive behavior including suicide.

Mary Lou Wallner and her husband Bob know the damage of “reparative therapy” all too well. Speaking at a recent PFLAG conference in Bothell, Washington, Mary Lou told the audience that her reaction when her daughter came out was based on the teachings of Dr. James Dobson, a leading “reparative therapy” proponent. “I raised my kids on Dobson. I read his books and listened to his radio broadcasts for years. In December of 1988, when she was about 21 years old, my daughter wrote us a letter and told us that she was a lesbian. I flipped out and…the next nine years were pretty stormy. Then in February of 1997, at age 29, she committed suicide.”[…]

B-but, it’s ‘love in action‘ and it “repairs teh gayness” in you, remember?!! So just believe in Jesus at little harder, really-really hate yourself, and it will work? Great, you’ll finally be heterosexual–then you’ll commit suicide. I hope for the best for Zach and his recovery from this hellish ordeal. His story is one out of the thousands, of LGBT teens who endure this kind malignant systematic anti-LGBT hate found within these bullshit pseudo-therapy and “camp” organizations and programs.

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4 Responses to PFLAG's statement on Zach's release

  1. BritGirlSF says:

    That poor kid, I’m so gald he made it out OK. I just hope they didn’t inflict any permanent damage on him.
    The ex-gay thing is a crock of shit. Dobson is a monster. Wonder what he has to say about the girl who committed suicide who was raised on his books?

  2. Antigone says:

    That she wasn’t “Strong enough in her faith”.

    Dobson should be shunned.

  3. Are Zach’s parents legally able to send him back?

  4. Blitzgal says:

    Did anyone see the recent Daily Show segment featuring the Garnier Fructis NASCAR that apparently has the NASCAR dads up in arms? They interviewed an “ex-gay” (which I totally called way before they discussed the issue) who was obviously extremely threatened by the fact that his NASCAR shield was being penetrated by a fruity car. I’d read about the fact that they force men to be more manly by watching racing and similar things, as if the sheer masculinity of the sport will transform them. Yikes, all around.

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