FEMA Director Michael Brown has resigned from his position, amidst all the controversy and criticism of his handling of the Katrina aftermath. And of course it finally begins, and Roberts’ confirmation hearing officially started today. The members of the Judiciary Committee did their little opening statements, formally introduced Roberts, and read off the “rules” when it comes to asking judicial nominees questions, and how much–if at all–should the nominee divulge when it comes to his/her personal views, blah, blah, boring. Roberts was sworn in and did his own little opening speech. Just as a reminder (and a “duh” moment) if confirmed Roberts would succeed Rehnquist as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. This should be fun to watch…and maybe a little bit scary.
[…] Another comic on how we don’t actually know why Trump won. […]
It’s Bush, who appoints his friends or campaign financers to positions that he apparently does not view as being important. Why else put Brown to head FEMA when his claim to fame is being the director of a organization involving horses?
No need for some to say his resume was padded. Because in BushLand, no resume is needed. The qualities he looks for in people to fill staffing positions aren’t usually found on resumes.
Someone in the Bush administration finally loses his job due to incompetence rather than disloyalyy.
The world is ending, the world is ending!
Now if only this reasoning could be applied to Rumsfeld…
I saw about a dozen folk waving pro-choice signs on the corner of MLK and Hawthorne Monday morning. Luckily, my bus came before I had a chance to go up to them and “innocently” ask whether A) They really believe the Democrats have any intention of stopping Roberts and B) What they’ll do to change the sorry state of their own “protectors” when the inevitable happens. The answer, of course, is nothing, because we mustn’t hurrrrrrrrrt the poor helpless Demos. Sure, they hurt us constantly with shit like this, out of some combo of opportunism, laziness and sheer malice, but it would be rude to return the favor, of course. (rolleyes) Must play nice with the masters like a good li’l serf.
“If confirmed”? It’s going to happen, folks. Judge Roberts’ judicial philosophy is not going to keep him from being confirmed. His opponents won’t be able to Bork him because he won’t rise to the bait, and apparently there’s no personal issues that’ll trip him up.
It’s going to be interesting to see how “originalist” he is, and how that will affect the court. It’s the next appointment that will be the real battleground, since that’s the one that will supplant O’Connor’s vote.