Your cartoon pits a trans woman against someone who is committed to his (is the fact that it’s a he important here?) transphobia. I’m not sure that this is the usual scenario.
My own take is that, at least as far as the bathroom bills are concerned, trans women are just the latest group that politicians can drum up hate for so that their base will support them and not look too closely at how they’re fleecing their constituents. I don’t think the politicians actually care one way or another, and their constituents wouldn’t care either if apocalyptic visions of the Trannie Peril weren’t being dangled in front of them all the time. It’s mob psychology in action.
We trans people are well aware that there are some people who will never give up their fear and hate of us, but most people, once they get to know us and have a chance to simmer down, end up realizing that we are, for better or worse, not much different from them. At least, until some hate-monger comes a long and whips up a mob.
I like the comic! That last panel has so many great details in it.
Your cartoon pits a trans woman against someone who is committed to his (is the fact that it’s a he important here?) transphobia. I’m not sure that this is the usual scenario.
My own take is that, at least as far as the bathroom bills are concerned, trans women are just the latest group that politicians can drum up hate for so that their base will support them and not look too closely at how they’re fleecing their constituents. I don’t think the politicians actually care one way or another, and their constituents wouldn’t care either if apocalyptic visions of the Trannie Peril weren’t being dangled in front of them all the time. It’s mob psychology in action.
We trans people are well aware that there are some people who will never give up their fear and hate of us, but most people, once they get to know us and have a chance to simmer down, end up realizing that we are, for better or worse, not much different from them. At least, until some hate-monger comes a long and whips up a mob.
Thanks for your comment, Asche.
Both characters are women – sorry that wasn’t clearer.
George Takei sez “You Can Pee Next to Me!“