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Transcript of cartoon.
This cartoon has a single panel, which shows Mitch McConnell, holding an axe, standing next to a huge tree that he’s clearly been chopping down; the tree is labeled “Medicaid.” Next to the tree is a tiny baby tree that he’s not chopping down, labeled “Obamacare.” In the branches of the Medicaid tree, there are countless tiny people looking terrified.
MCCONNELL: What’s the fuss? We’re only repealing Obamacare.
That is a great depiction of the stakes at issue.
That is TOTALLY Mitch McConnell.
And that third screaming person from the left is totally my mom.
Thanks! It was nice of Ma Nobody to model for me.
This is great.
Finally, a one-panel political cartoon that gets directly to the point! You’re learning. :-)