I Haven't Forgotten You

Hey, folks. My productivity has been a little slow lately as I started summer teaching last week. I have a few posts in the works. I’ve been composing a follow up to the “I Want My Period Post,” which has taken at least a month. I am also writing my follow-up to the “The Feminist Blogosphere Needs to be More Inclusive of Older Women.” The post is on grandmothers raising their grandchildren. I didn’t realize when I picked both of those topics what I had gotten myself into. I found thousands of sites and articles on grandmothers raising their grandchildren, and the period debate was way more contentious than I thought. Periodically, I get overwhelmed by the vast amount of info. out there and writing a nice concise blog length post is very difficult. I am an academic after all–we are know as the world’s most needlessly verbose people.

I’m also writing my profile/bio for the site. Is there anything people would like to know about me?

Expect me to finish a post this weekend.

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4 Responses to I Haven't Forgotten You

  1. Pingback: FeministBlogosphere

  2. spam says:

    [deleted by Amp]

  3. Kate L. says:

    Richard, What is that post about? Was it really so necessary to be completely condescending and rude? Didn’t your mother ever teach you, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.”?

    Rach – I think you should definitely put some background info in your profile about your too fabulous for words friends :) J/K Make sure you mention something about how you got interested in the topics you love :)

  4. Ampersand says:

    Oh, Richard’s comment was spam – I should have looked at it closer, his “homepage” link went to a commercial site. Sorry for letting it through.

    Rachel, I’ll look forward to your posts whenever they have time to be written. :-)

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