Are you watching God's Warrior's on CNN?

CNN is airing a special on relgious fundamentalism; it is a 3 part series.  Tonight is God’s Jewish Warriors, and in the next two days they will cover God’s Christian Warriors and God’s Muslim Warriors.  If you are watching, what do you think?

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6 Responses to Are you watching God's Warrior's on CNN?

  1. Myca says:

    I just caught snippets of it here and there, but I was left with the distinct and unsophisticated conclusion that religion fucks you up bad.

    I know! How original, right?

    The one bit that really caught in my throat was the fellow talking about how in order to fight the Palestinians, the way it had to be was, “Two eyes for an eye. Teeth for a tooth.” It’s just so sad that in the name of his god, he feels like he needs to ignore the shit his god says.

    And yes, yes, I know that it’s not really religion any more than it’s violent video games or communism or capitalism or pornography or rock & roll. I know that violent psychopaths will always find a reason to be violent psychopaths, but we’re just seeing so many violent psychopaths around this, and I’m tired, and I want us to be done.


  2. Which American fundies are they showing? I live near Bob Jones Univ, so I see enough of them IRL. blegh.

    I just wonder if they are (no joke) hardcore fundies, or what the BJU people would call liberal fundies. I mean, really, there are vastly different levels within fundamentalism.

  3. Rachel S. says:

    It was a little hard to watch because I was getting ticked off, and I particularly liked the part where they examined relationship between fundamentalist Christians who are into the whole send a Jew to Israel campaign.

    I also like the very thorough discussion of the settlers and the religious zealotry that motivates many of them.

  4. Suhail Kureishi says:

    It was a very intresting program, I was able to watch all three part of this series, and all of them were quite good except for some things which I think were missed by CNN “May be due to their editorial Polices”.

    What I was able to extract after watching this thought-provoking series ,that it is a world where we are having a ongoing fight between the Beleivers against Non-Beleivers /Non-Practising people belonging to different religion.

    The World, Which according to my beleive and faith is Created by the God, and like here in this World, when we buy any thing we also get a “User Guide” to get maximum benefits from that thing and to get the maximum output from that thing, Same is the situation with the Life, Since it a Product of God, so there is a User´s Guide in the form of Religion, or the Holy Books “Tora, Bible and Quran”. Since Quran is the latest Version of this User´s Guide , therefore all the things previously given through Tora and Bible are either updated , or deleted and replaced with new instructions”.

    As a Human being , we are having many weaknesses and since the User´s Guide requires to follow the things as given in the book, we feel lazy for doing so, and thus we created different sort of excuses for not following them on the name of Liberalism and Tolerance, Which is surely good in many ways but also creating conflict among the the Beleivers and Non-Beleivers.

    Intrestingly and sadly, this conflict is going on from the Start-The Begining and will stay till the End-The Judgement Day, so the scholars of all the times tried to find the solutions and reasons behind the ongoing things happening in their times..It is so, very Simple and very complicated !

    Peace and Love for all..take care of your self .

    Suhail Kureishi
    A Muslim living in Germany.

  5. Valerie says:

    I enjoyed watching this series, & I deeply appreciated Christiane Amanpour’s ability to be relatively objective in an arena that is anything but.
    What drove me beyond nuts was when I came across a Christian talk show that spent at least 3 hours (it was on when I got out of the car, & still on when I got back in) talking about how CNN was the worst of the worst, & how Amanpour was an idiot.
    Apparently, she hit some very large vein of truth that wasn’t supposed to be uncovered. Kudos to her for being brave enough to shed some light on extreme fundmentalism, which may not be as rare as we would all hope.

  6. D.Ekon says:

    Excellent work by Christiane Amanpour! More than anything else this documentary reveals a deep human search for God and a quest for what is the truth. There appears to be a veil over the faces of everyone including Christiane that makes everyone unsure of an answer to the deep spiritual questions that drives all three religious groups. I have thought a lot about this mystery. The Jews expect a messiah to come and remove this veil so they can see the truth. The Christian say the messiah has come and is removing this veil and is showing us the truth. The Moslems say there is no veil. We can see the truth clearly.

    However, the Moslems have the witness and account of only one prophet to believe while the Jews and Christians have the account of several prophets down the history lane that kept account of these things. Also it appears to me that the Moslem holy book mentions some of the notable Jewish prophets and the message they conveyed but there is no mention of the prophet that inspired Islam in both the Jewish and Christian holy books.

    In life the witness of three is often referred to as stronger than the witness of one person. I wonder whether this is also true in this case. Between the Jews and the Christians though the witnesses of the prophets appear somewhat consistent about what this messiah would do. The Jews hold to the literal text and see every fulfillment of prophecy by these prophets as very physical but the Christian read a lot more means into every word. Jews tend to focus on a given time that spans from Abraham to somewhere around the prophet Daniel while Christians tend to be a little broader by examining also the events during the time of Jesus and Paul the converted legal prosecutor.

    By examining these events the Christians say it sums up the prophecies and brings greater light into these secret and mysterious things. The Jews agree that a final piece of the puzzle is required to sum up the mysteries and bring understanding to the messages of the prophets but disagree strongly about examining the events surrounding the person known as Jesus Christ rather they prefer to look beyond for another prophet.

    The Moslems say to the Jews beyond Jesus there is no other prophet but Mohammad, look no further. While the Jews question the fact that no other prophet they know has spoken about or mentioned the name Mohammad. They also question the fact that the Message of Mohammad does not align with the rest of the prophets they know.

    I find all these very interesting. I think Christiane’s documentary, God’s Warriors, helps me see how far every religious camp is willing to go in defense of things they hold so dear to their hearts. However, the issue I find more fascinating, controversial and worthy of far more examination and attention is the person of Jesus Christ. Everything about these three great religions appears to somewhat revolve round this single individual.

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