Happy Chanukah Everybody!


From Badvertising. Thanks, Bean!

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8 Responses to Happy Chanukah Everybody!

  1. NotACookie says:

    I can’t decide if that sign is based on ignorance, carelessness, or a real awareness of their market. Lot of unobservant Jews, after all.

  2. Rachel S. says:


    My mother had a student teacher, who was reading a book to her 1st grade students. The students came to a picture of a Jewish family eating dinner. One of the kids asked what are they eating, and the woman said, “I think it’s ham.”

  3. BoggyWoggy says:

    That last response made me crack up! LOVE THE PHOTO, TOO!

  4. RonF says:

    I’m going to guess that the “Delicious for Channukah” part is a header in a whole stack of price holders that you then stick the lower part in. I do wonder at who unthinkingly stuffed it in there.

  5. Delicious for Chanukah?! Hell, that stuff’s delicious any time of year!

    Sprial Sliced Ham: It’s not just for Chanukah any more!

  6. Falyne says:


  7. Kevin Moore says:

    Merry Channukamas, Barry!

    Or whatever.

  8. Elkins says:

    My mother always used to make a ham for Pesach.

    Then, my extended family was Classical Reform, so make of that what you will.

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