Yesterday, South Carolina representative Jim Clyburn, who is the house majority whip, told CNN Bill Clinton has got to chill. Apparently, Bill Clinton has been getting a little too feisty with Obama and has made some criticisms that Clyburn thinks are innappropriate.
While I’m sure others were focusing on the substance of Clinton’s attacks, my first reaction was geeze Hip Hop has become really mainstream. When the House Majority Whip invokes EMPD, you know Hip Hop is an integral component of contemporary American culture.
For those who don’t know, here’s the EMPD video for the song, “You Gotz to Chill.” I’m dedicating it here to my homeboy (not) Bill Clinton.
This has got to be one of my favorite Hip Hop songs of all time. Where are Eric and Parrish these days?
That is too funny considering Hip Hop has been in front of a firing squad for the latter half of the year.