I'm going shopping tomorrow afternoon at 3pm

And not “2:30-3pm.” This is the time that Bean and I agreed on. And this post was posted at that time, not posted later and back-dated in order to provide evidence in support of my position.

Just for the record.

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3 Responses to I'm going shopping tomorrow afternoon at 3pm

  1. Mandolin says:

    Um. Hi Bean?

  2. nobody.really says:

    [Cue military snare drums]

    Following the dramatic events of 9/11, President George W. Bush called upon all red-blooded Americans to do their part and go shopping. And, loyal citizen that he is, Amp sprung into action, grabbed his calendar and his nearest writing implement and boldly scheduled a shopping trip for … oh, no, I’ve got a dentist appointment then … and damn, we’re celebrating the anniversary of Pulp, the Movie that night … oh, and I promised to help Sydney choose a wedding dress that weekend and… oh look! How about late August, 2008? Say, 2:30-3-ish?

    No wonder the economy’s in the crapper. And cut the snare drums already, ok?

    After all this time — honestly — would it KILL ya to go at 2:30 rather than wait until 3? It’s for your country, after all….

  3. Daisy Bond says:

    I’m going shopping tomorrow afternoon at 3pm . . . And this post was posted at that time, not posted later and back-dated

    You posted this from the future?!

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