They're Classy, That's Why

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6 Responses to They're Classy, That's Why

  1. standgale says:

    Apparently whatever it is cannot be viewed outside the USA. Not that there’s anything you can do about that, just thought you might like to know.
    It says “We’re sorry, currently our video library can only be streamed within the United States” etc.

  2. sylphhead says:

    Yes, hulu doesn’t work for networks outside the US, something that cut my quality of life significantly when travelling abroad recently.

  3. Katharine says:

    … and what I have to say about that is, “The WORLD WIDE Web – Ur doin it rong.” I hate that. (I assume this is something political, which, as a Canadian resting uneasily next to your elephant, I might’ve liked to see.)

  4. macon d says:

    I could watch it, and so I did. And then I laughed. Until I stopped.

    SNL keeps flinging phrases out into the blur and glut of American culture, hoping they’ll will bob up to the surface and achieve enough repeated usage to become a meme. “You gotta get yourself some marble columns!” seems as likely to sink as most of the others. “I need more cowbell!” didn’t sink, and I wonder if that’s because the show’s writers weren’t TRYING to make that one stick. But then, maybe they were. I remember Jon Lovitz trying to make one stick during another skit back in the day–“Get to know me!” If I remember right, that one merely sunk into the blur and glut too.

  5. Andrew says:

    Given that Hulu doesn’t work outside the USA, what’s the video?

  6. JenLovesPonies says:

    The video had some guy (I don’t ever watch SNL) who I think is Asian selling MARBLE COLUMNS in a commercial parady, talking about how they will make your house really classy. Then ScarJo shows up, in a New York Jewish Princess-ish stereo type, pointing at random bubbles with MARBLE COLUMNS and talking abou thow people will think the Pope lives at your house. I neither see why it is funny nor offensive, more or less just boring.

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