Prop 8 – The Musical!

EDIT: Upon watching this video again, the gay couple strikes me as stereotypical and kind of offensive (although I know that as a straight woman, I’m not the one to make that call). So I apologize if the portrayal put anyone off.

Oh, Hollywood, I love you.

See more Jack Black videos at Funny or Die

(Cross-posted at Modern Mitzvot.)

This entry posted in Elections and politics, Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans and Queer issues, Same-Sex Marriage, Whatever. Bookmark the permalink. 

14 Responses to Prop 8 – The Musical!

  1. 1
    julie says:

    May I please ask a question?

    I have become somewhat confused of the gay/lesbian movement of the 70’s.

    85% of lesbians and gays are bi-sexual. And the gays and lesbians have made other own hierarchy of GOLD – never slept with the opposite sex

    SILVER_ just a one off or two

    Platinum – slept with many of the opposite sex.


    If this is the case then aren’t 3 somes also in this movement?

    So, what happens to the heterosexual men/women who are bi-sexual?

    Is hetro sexual meant to be a word that will not exist in the future?

    OK, for a reality check … I don’t have an ideology. I am just curious.

  2. 2
    Tina says:

    Well… probably because bisexual doesn’t mean non-monogamous. I have friends who have dated both men and women…. but not at the same time, and they were dating one person, not a couple.

    There are polyamorous people out there who I am sure would be interested in marriage between more than 2 people.

  3. 3
    Mandolin says:

    Julie, that’s a very ignorant question. First of all, where the hell are youg etting an 85% of gay people are bi statistic? Second, what the hell makes you think that bisexuals have sex with more than one partner at the same time?

    You really, really need to stop commenting, and start reading. You’re extremely ignorant on these sorts of questions, and the information is out there if you’kk just go and read.

  4. 4
    julie says:

    Mandolin, my question is not ignorant. I didn’t say that bi-sexual have to sleep with more than one person at the same time. Bi to me means you like both men and women. You can swap and change monthly for all I care.

    And 3 somes is not uncommon. Just check out porn and ask men what they think of 2 women in bed with them.

    And how was I to know that you were not aware of research on gays and lesbians. I considered this to be an up to date left wing political site and considered you are aware. This stuff is old news and I knew of it a decade ago.

    Today’s research is big on gay and lesbian. I am not sure how YOU missed it. But I will not link to any research in fear of not being PC. If I am incorrect …. gays and lesbians themselves will tell me so … right here.

    I am seriously wondering how bi-sexual are in the gay and lesbian movement. What is wrong with that?

  5. 5
    Ampersand says:

    Hi, julie.

    Thanks for your contributions to this website. However, after reading all your comments on “Alas,” I don’t feel you’re bringing the discussions here in the direction I’d like to see them go. For that reason, we will no longer be approving your comments on “Alas.”

    Best wishes to you.

  6. 6
    Mandolin says:

    Ah, yes, as a bisexual woman, I should clearly have known to defer to the expert on my behavior.

    But the problem is: if I’m bisexual, which I am, then where’s my extra female spouse? I mean, I’ve got the husband, but since I’m bisexual, clearly he and I *must* be in a threesome. *eye roll*

    Thanks for the banning, Amp. That was enough of that about 10 comments ago.

  7. Yikes. I leave this site for ONE work day…

  8. 8
    Jack Stephens says:

    Since the comment thread in this blog post has absolutely nothing to do with the actual post itself (thanks Julie!) I’ve decided to add in my own two cents.

    I like honey dipped gram cracker smores!!!!

  9. 9
    Bjartmarr says:

    I like honey dipped gram cracker smores!!!!

    You’ll be excited to know that once you hit Platinum level, you get all the honey dipped gram cracker smores you want, for free!!!

  10. 10
    Rachel says:

    I like honey dipped gram cracker smores!!!!

    You’ll be excited to know that once you hit Platinum level, you get all the honey dipped gram cracker smores you want, for free!!!

    Unfortunately, the cake is a lie.

    Flailing desperately back to topic, I think I’d find the stereotypes more offensive if every role in the video weren’t such an over-the-top caricature already.

  11. 11
    PG says:

    Rachel FTW, both on Portal and for noting that the musical clearly was *trying* to be silly and outsized.

  12. 12
    Ampersand says:

    The New York Times has an interesting article about the making of this video.

    I pretty much had the same difficulty with the video that’s mentioned in the Times: the satire in the musical doesn’t strike me as very incisive. I don’t think the lyrics show much understanding of the anti-marriage-equality position, which limits how well they can satirize the position.

  13. 13
    sweetie says:

    I agree that it’s equal-opportunity caricature; everyone looks silly because it’s just that kind of show. But no, it’s sadly not all that persuasive, so I think it’ll be mostly just good for the enjoyment of people who don’t support Prop 8.

    The funniest part about this musical, IMO, is that it exists. Not that it’s not worth watching too, but it doesn’t top the amusement value of discovering that someone made Prop 8: The Musical.

  14. 14
    PG says:


    Agreed, it’s fundamentally quite silly and made for the choir, not for conversion. Although to that extent, it would be interesting to send this video to someone who supported Prop. 8 (who could take a joke) and ask what their objections to same-sex marriage are that were left un-addressed by this video. I know Prop. 8 supporters who were simply angry at the CA Supreme Court for making the decision, but I haven’t discussed the issue with anyone who would be opposed to same-sex marriage’s being legalized through democratic means (as hopefully it will be in NY).