Once More, With Feeling

At least one reader has taken issue with the title of my last post, so let me clarify. Via Glenn Greenwald, Marty Peretz hits the nail on the head:

So at 11:30 on Saturday morning, according to both the Jerusalem Post and Ha’aretz, as well as the New York Times, 50 fighter jets and attack helicopters demolished some 40 to 50 sites in just about three minutes, maybe five. Message: do not fuck with the Jews.

You heard him.

Not Israelis. Not right-wing Israelis. Not right-wing Israelis in positions of political power. The Jews. Because, you know, the hive mind. We Jews love a good fight. The Israeli/Palestinian conflict isn’t complicated or nuanced; the attacks on Sderot don’t warrant a serious rethinking of military and political strategy. It all comes down to this: don’t fuck with the Jews! ‘Cause we’ll GETCHA!

This is my community.

This is not my community.

Are we clear?

(Cross-posted at Modern Mitzvot.)

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3 Responses to Once More, With Feeling

  1. Jeff Fecke says:

    Marty Peretz is not a part of my community, either, if by “my community” you mean “people who are not racist, bloodthirsty, and hateful.” Seriously, Peretz’s tone would fit right in on Stormfront. Which would be funny, if he wasn’t still a major media figure.

  2. jess says:

    thank you for this post. i’ve always felt a deep disconnect from right wing zionism and a weird sense of guilt about that. it’s good to have confirmation that other jews feel the same way – and to have it in words.

  3. Emily says:

    Thanks for these links. I’m not all that involved in any organized Jewish community, but I did read the ARZA statement on the newest flare-up and was not impressed. I appreciate having links to organizations that are more in line with my thinking on this particular issue/moment.

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