Big Conservative Media Me

I will be on the Dennis Prager Show tomorrow — yes, you heard me right, the Dennis Prager Show — discussing his wonderful advice on how it’s a good wife’s duty to endure marital rape. I’ll be on with the redoubtable Megan Carpenter, so I’m thinking we should be able to take him.

The appearance is scheduled for 10 A.M. in Oregon; Oregonians can listen on KYKN (1430 AM out of Salem), and then burn their radios to rid them of the taint. Other stations are listed here, and you can also pick up the live stream here.

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3 Responses to Big Conservative Media Me

  1. ahunt says:

    Thank You, Jeff! Thank you so much!

    Please…if you could ask Prager just one question for us…Piny’s succinct analysis deserves to be presented: Why does Prager believe that a woman’s “sensual and romantic needs have sweet-fuck-all to do with real sexuality, since they cannot be tied to her guy’s (putative) need to get his rocks off full stop. Her desire for a sex life she can enjoy is damaging to the sex life of the partnership; his is its foundation.”

  2. Chris says:

    So, how did it go?

  3. Ampersand says:

    Aw, maaan! I was traveling to Florida, and didn’t know about this until now, but that’s sensational!

    I hope it went well — and hope that there will be some kind of recording we can post.

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