One Good Thing in the newspaper

I said earlier this week that One Good Thing has the best storytelling of any blog, and clearly I’m not the only one who thinks so. Check out this article in the Chicago Tribune, heaping much-deserved praise on One Good Thing (as well as on the writer and her sex shop).

Mozil Tov, Flea!.

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4 Responses to One Good Thing in the newspaper

  1. bean says:

    This is (at least) the second time she’s been written about in the Chicago Tribune — the first time was on Eric Zorn’s Notebook (scroll down to “One Good Feature”).

  2. bean says:

    Oh, and I also need to (shamelessly :p ) point out this quote from the article: ” As for other immediate plans, Wilson has just begun monthly column on motherhood (Title: “Because I Said So!”) for Expository Magazine, an online journal.” [grin]

  3. flea says:

    Thank you! The response has been very nice so far, although I did get a piece of hate mail this morning that said my kids were going to grow up to be porn stars, heh.

  4. dch says:

    Yay for flea! One Good Thing is one very good thing indeed.

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