Mockery Fail

So you may remember the Young Cons, two young kids from the mean streets of Hanover, New Hampshire, rappin’ about how hard it is to be a privileged, white male conservative at an Ivy League school. They’re keepin’ it real, yo. I mean, just watch:

Yes, truly they are awesome in their wingnuttery. And there are all sorts of ways one can go after them — mocking their inability to actually, you know, rap being high on the list. Or you can make like Playboy, and engage in a bit of douchebaggery:

All too often it seems like the only quality entertainment in this country is the product of liberal homosexuals. Any hope that conservative homosexuals might have something to contribute to the creative community disappears with the video Young Cons, in which a male couple from Dartmouth spit rhymes describing their political ideology.

These two Dartmouth frosh, Josh Riddle and David Rufful, gained some online notoriety when right-wing blog Powerline prominently touted their video last week. Of course it should come as no surprise that Powerline neglects to mention that the pair are gay, but the Young Con Anthem contains some surprises of its own. Why, for example, would a homosexual who does not loathe himself rap something like this?

 Price is Right – Loser Horn

You see, here’s the thing: it’s not hilarious to call these guys gay. Why? Because being gay is not an insulting thing. By making purported homosexuality a tool of mockery, Playboy isn’t tarring the Young Cons with an insult — they’re insulting homosexuals, by arguing that homosexuality itself is worthy of mockery. It’s juvenile, eighth-grade-level stupidity, and it’s despicable.

I know, I know, it’s Playboy, we shouldn’t pay much attention to them. But once again, it’s a reminder that there are an awful lot of “liberals” who think anti-gay slurs are funny. They aren’t. Period.

(Via — of all people — The Blogger Formerly Known as Hindrocket)

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