How Can We Miss You If You Won't Go Away?

Ah, “Joe” the “Plumber,” we just can’t quit you, much as we might want to. I know you like to spend your time in quiet contemplation, but I understand you have some things to say?

“Obama right now is talking about, he can generate more revenue by taxing the top 2 to 3 percent of Americans,” Wurzelbacher said. “Well, you know, that’s immoral. Just because someone’s worked hard, gotten ahead — it’s not your money.”

Ah, yes, well, you see “Joe,” progressive taxation has been a part of American law since the dawn of the income tax. Even Ronald Reagan supported progressive taxation. Are you saying our country is immoral? Why do you hate America?

I kid, of course; your argument basically just proves you’re a libertarian douchebag who hasn’t thought too deeply about anything. It’s not like you called for the death of a politician.

Wurzelbacher has a reputation for being a blunt, politically incorrect speaker. Referring to Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., more than once, Wurzelbacher asked, “Why hasn’t he been strung up?”

Oh. Well, you know, you still have that keen grasp of policy that led John McCain to call you his personal hero, right?

And he glosses over facts. Referring to the Constitution as “almost like the Bible,” Wurzelbacher said of the Founding Fathers: “They knew socialism doesn’t work. They knew communism doesn’t work.”

Of course they did! Everyone knows that Ben Franklin invented the time machine, right after he invented the vibrator.* He and Thomas Jefferson time-traveled to the Soviet Union in 1984, and decided there and then that communism would not work. And thank goodness — had they traveled to Sweden in 2006, all of history might have been different.

Incidentally, “Joe” says he didn’t leave the GOP. Damn liberal media, reporting what he said as if he said it. But I say thank goodness. The Palin/The “Plumber” ticket is still alive for 2012. And that would be hilarious.


*This is why Franklin was so popular with the ladies.

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