America Chooses Tyranny

Of course, by “Tyranny,” I mean we passed a fairly weak cap-and-trade carbon emission bill through the House of Representatives that will, hopefully, mitigate the damage from what could be the worst environmental catastrophe since the last ice age. But while those of us in the reality-based community think that the passage of Waxman-Markey is, you know, a prudent step in preventing the flooding of Florida and the end of Midwestern agriculture, Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Sigh, knows better:

For the YouTube impaired, Bachmann states a number of completely made-up statistics showing that this measure would destroy the economy, and then declares, “But what is worse than this is the fact that now because of this underlying bill, the federal government will virtually have control over every aspect of lives for the American people. It is time to stand up and say: We get to choose. We choose liberty, or we choose tyranny — it’s one of the two.”

Because nothing says tyranny like weak, market-based restrictions on carbon emissions. It’s pretty much exactly the same as what’s going on in Iran, only worse.

Meanwhile, Glenn Beck decided to go after the bill by using a watermelon as a prop. Frankly, given Beck’s rather unique view of the world, this is barely worth mentioning.

This entry was posted in Conservative zaniness, right-wingers, etc., Environmental issues. Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to America Chooses Tyranny

  1. Felicity says:

    Support of Waxman-Markey isn’t uniform across the reality-based community. At least I think Rep. Peter DeFazio and Friends of the Earth are reality-based.

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