A Point of Personal Privilege

So those of you who follow my twitter feed (and for those of you who don’t, you are welcome to) may have noticed that last night my tweets weren’t so much…fun. This is not because the Vikings managed to lose yet another winnable game on the road, though that of course doesn’t help matters.

No, last night I went into the doctor with pain in my…er…boy parts. The doctor sent me directly to the emergency room, where I got an ultrasound, which showed I likely have testicular cancer.

So that’s not fun.

I know next to nothing right now, other than that tomorrow morning I get to make an appointment to go to see a urologist who will be removing my faulty gonad forthwith. I know nothing beyond that; I assume I’ll find out shortly.

At any rate, this is of course not the most fabulous news, but it is what it is. The good news — and it is good news — is that testicular cancer is extremely treatable, and the vast majority of men who suffer from it are treated successfully, even if the cancer has metastasized. So the odds are in my favor. And there is still a chance it isn’t cancer at all, but just a painful benign tumor, in which case the gonad has to come out, but treatment afterward won’t include any not-fun things like chemotherapy or radiation.

All that said, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a bit scared by this; cancer is not something you ever want to get. But something’s going to get all of us in the end. I’m just hoping that something, in my case and yours, is extreme old age.

So please, do forgive me if posting is a bit light over the next few days; I’ll update as I have updates. Oh, and men, since this is something I never bothered to do, let me suggest you listen to Mr. Tom Green here.

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33 Responses to A Point of Personal Privilege

  1. Robert says:

    That truly sucks. You and I won’t ever agree on the color of the sky, but I feel for you. Be well, get better, stay healthy.

  2. Ampersand says:

    Damn, that sucks. Please do keep us updated when you can, Jeff. Insofar as good wishes can pull for someone, I’ll be pulling for you.

  3. Simple Truth says:

    Wishing you the best, Jeff. May you come out with renewed good health.

  4. Mandolin says:

    Thinking of you, Jeff. So sorry.

  5. Sungold says:

    Oh my. I’ve been following your writing since your Shakesville days, and I just think you’re a smart and warm-hearted guy (even if I only very rarely comment). I’m so sorry to hear this sucky news. It couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy. :-(

    My husband got through both prostate cancer and Hodgkins lymphoma while in his forties – it was hard, but our lives are pretty good now, together and separately. I say this not as “oh, you’ve got the *good* cancer!” (a phrase both he and I found infuriating) but just to say hey, you’re not alone.

    Please post when you’re able. In the meantime, I’ll be quietly worrying, which is my way of imploring whatever gods exist. I’ll also be hoping that this is benign after all, but if it’s not, then at least let it be easily treatable.

  6. Myca says:

    Damn, man, that sucks beyond words. When you have time and emotional space, be sure to keep us updated on what’s going on.


  7. Steph says:

    I’m… really sorry, man. At least they caught it before metastasis, though, right? And also on the upside, you really don’t need both of the little fellows. But still, that’s gotta be harsh. Hugs if you want them.

  8. Jeff –

    Oh hell hon … you and I have known each other for years now, so I’ll just let you know I am sending you my love and thoughts from all the way here in New Zealand. I’ll make sure I follow you on twitter, just so I can keep up with this.

    And in bad black humour (hey, that and self deprecation is how we deal with emotion in NZ, it’s a cultural thing) if you want, come out here, marry me for immigration purposes, and you can have access to nationalised health care ;)

    lots of hugs,

  9. So sorry, Jeff. I will be thinking about you.

  10. Danny says:

    Even though you say the odds are in your favor cancer is still a very scary word.

    Stay strong.

  11. Take care of yourself! We want you around writing to us for years to come! :)

  12. Christina B says:

    I´ve been reading your posts for a while on Alas, but I very, very rarely comment.

    I just wanted to show support. I´m really sorry to ¨hear¨ that you have cancer. I hope that everything goes well.

  13. Dianne says:

    Jeff: I’m sorry to hear about your possible testicular cancer and hope it turns out to be a benign tumor. But just in case, may I offer you some advice? As you noted, testicular cancer is often curable-though the odds sound much better when it’s not you facing them. Anyway, the primary reason men die of testicular cancer is treatment delay: they don’t get treatment in time because they lack money, hate the side effects (and they are eminently hatable), feel good and can’t be bothered with that last recommended chemotherapy, have other obligations, etc. Don’t fall for it. Get all the treatment you need to make it go away permanently.

    Best of luck to you and if good thoughts from someone you have met only on line are helpful, please accept mine.

    ETA: Last bit of free advice, worth every penny you pay for it…if it is cancer, or even if it’s a benign tumor, get it treated at an academic center where they participate in NCI approved clinical trials. You probably won’t be involved in a clinical trial-it’s a pretty curable cancer-but you want to be someplace where they are highly experienced with testicular and other cancers and know what to if common or uncommon problems occur.

  14. Yusifu says:

    These are more good wishes from someone who has never interacted with you but only read and admired your writing. It’s such a frightening thing to learn, and so destructive to a sense of bodily integrity. All good wishes, and I hope your spirits stay up, while the treatment is both easy to get through and effective!

  15. Jake Squid says:

    I’m sorry to hear about this, Jeff. Good luck.

  16. Krupskaya says:

    You’re in my thoughts.

  17. Rose says:

    You are in my thoughts. I hope you don’t have cancer, but if you do I hope you have a full and speedy recovery.

  18. Silenced is Foo says:

    Sucks. Good luck.

  19. Allison says:

    All my best wishes to you. You’re a wonderful, compassionate person. I don’t know you personally, but have been enriched by your writing. I hope you come through this stronger.

  20. Chris says:

    Good luck Jeff, and if you don’t mind, I’ll be praying for you.

  21. nojojojo says:


    Horrified to hear this, but I’m also heartened by the “good news” part of it; that’s the part that really matters. Hope the news is even better when you get the full diagnosis!

    (And wow, that song is like, the antithesis of funny. But it’s stuck in my head now.)

  22. fannie says:

    Sorry to hear that, Jeff. My thoughts are with you.

  23. Crys T says:

    I’m so sorry to hear this, Jeff. This is one of those situations where it sucks to be an atheist: I’d love to be able to tell you that you’re in my prayers or other such thought.

    All I can say is that I’ll be thinking of you and I hope that your procedure goes as smoothly as possible, and that the news you get from it as good as it can be.

  24. Redisca says:

    Best of luck to you, Jeff.

  25. hf says:

    Hope you do well.

  26. I have several friends who suffered the same thing, and all of them are doing well, many years later.

  27. chingona says:

    Very sorry to hear this. Wishing you tolerable and successful treatment.

  28. Ruth Hoffmann says:


    How horrible. Thank you for telling us. Like everyone else here, I send you my best wishes. You’re in my thoughts and heart.

  29. Azendel says:

    Long time reader, first time commenter;

    Big fan of the blog, best wishes to you and your family.

    On behalf of the internets, get well soon!

  30. Best wishes for both cancer and pain to go away permanently, and that it doesn’t end up too expensive. We’re rooting for you.

  31. Julie says:

    Thinking of you.

  32. Maia says:

    I’m so sorry. Good luck.

  33. Quill says:

    That is unfortunate. I hope that things go well for you, and will be thinking of you.

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