Tehran University professor Massoud Alimohammadi assassinated in Iran

This is my constant refrain these days when it comes to current events in Iran: I wish I had time to do more than write this little bit and link to a couple of blog posts and articles worth reading, but I’ve got too much else on my plate right now. Massoud Alimohammadi, from everything I have been able to gather, was a nuclear scientist who supported the opposition in Iran. The Iranian government has constructed a narrative in which Alimohammadi was a supporter of the regime and he was killed by a car bomb that was planted by the Mujahedin-e Khalq with the help of, of course, Israel and the United States. Here are links to a few places that have more information, analysis and more links to further details:

I have been working on a long post dealing with the politics of Holocaust imagery in literature and the Jewish community. It should be done soon. I’m hoping to write something more in depth about Iran when I am done with that.

Cross-posted on It’s All Connected.

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2 Responses to Tehran University professor Massoud Alimohammadi assassinated in Iran

  1. RonF says:

    The Iranian government has constructed a narrative in which Alimohammadi was a supporter of the regime and he was killed by a car bomb that was planted by the Mujahedin-e Khalq with the help of, of course, Israel and the United States.

    What percentage of the population do you think would actually believe that?

  2. I doubt many would, though if you read the Gary Sick post that I linked to, he has an interesting take on this assassination’s connection to those that took place in the 1990s and the government’s strategy of publicly blaming them on Israel and the US.

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