6th Annual Stumptown Comics Fest Art Show

I’ll be at the 6th Annual Stumptown Comics Fest Art Show tonight. The exhibit is at the Portland Center for the Performing Arts (1111 SW Broadway). I’ll have two pages from the upcoming “Hereville” graphic novel on display.

If you’re in downtown Portland tonight, drop in and say hi. :-)

This is an art exhibit associated with the Stumptown Comics Fest. The Fest itself, a two-day comic book convention, takes place in a few weeks, April 24th and 25th. I’ll be there, too; for more info about the Stumptown Comics Fest, visit their site.

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One Response to 6th Annual Stumptown Comics Fest Art Show

  1. Sarah says:

    Oh hooray! A fun thing to do in my town. I shall try to make it to the comics fest.

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