A cartoon inspired by the ipad

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9 Responses to A cartoon inspired by the ipad

  1. 1
    monkeypedia says:

    See, on the one hand I really do agree with the sentiment behind this cartoon, and on the other hand, over a year after buying it, I kind of love my iphone more than ever.

  2. 2
    Robert says:

    Same with my kindle. How I love my kindle.

  3. 3
    Geek says:

    I have bought neither an iPhone nor a Kindle, so I’m taking a gamble on the iPad. The sentiment is good though!

  4. 4
    JoKeR says:

    This reminds me of the Audi commercial which was shown so much during the Winter Olympics this year. It shows a series of people in drab colors with their, supposedly, boring cars and other possessions. They are all talking about how they had been told that these things were appropriate for them, that they would feel good about themselves when they got them, etc. Then, in a revelation they see an Audi and realize that they had been misled all this time. What they really needed was an Audi! So Audi is saying that everyone else has been making false promises of happiness and satisfaction from possessions, but that they have the true gospel that happiness only comes from owning an Audi. It annoyed me every time I saw it and still makes me angry when I think about it.

  5. 5
    Lilian Nattel says:

    Indeed. We went on an austerity budget about a year and a half ago. It’s rare that we miss anything and we’ve had some bonuses. Our kids have really benefitted by coming home every day after school.

  6. 6
    Felix says:

    I own nothing invented after 1970, but rumours suggest I’ll be getting an iPod for my birthday, and I must admit I’m a little excited to hear my records without scratches.

    (Am I the only person who thinks of feminine hygiene when I read about the iPad??)

  7. 7
    Sebastian says:

    Felix, I’d be shocked if you do not own anything invented after 1970. If you own a car made in the last 20 years, a fridge, or any kind of electronic device, including a digital TV, it has components that were invented after the 70s.

  8. 8
    Doug S. says:

    The iPad: Just when the English-speaking world had gotten over the name “Wii”…

  9. 9
    Dianne says:

    My life feels dingy and blah. I really want to shop…for a new Hereville cartoon. Unfortunately, amp can’t draw as fast as I can read them.

    A new ipad just won’t do. It’s too big. Why not just get a mac and be done with it? It’s about the same size and has net capability.