Call for Editors and Volunteers – Dinah Press


I know it’s been a long time since I’ve posted anything. I’ve spent the past several months applying to library school (I got in!) and doing other types of writing. The most exciting thing I’ve been working on, however, is below.

Please post the following on your blog or forward it to anyone who may be interested.

Dinah Press, a new small press devoted to publishing the work of marginalized voices, is seeking 1-2 passionate and committed individuals to join its permanent editorial collective. We are also seeking volunteers to donate their time and talent to design, publicity, event coordination, and other needs.

While submissions will be open to all writers, Dinah Press’s main mission is to fill in the gaps in today’s literary landscape by prioritizing fiction, nonfiction, and poetry by people of color, trans people, people with disabilities, members of colonized peoples, and other talented writers whose work has been deemed “unmarketable” by mainstream publishers. Dinah Press will also blur the boundaries between artist and editor by inviting each author it publishes to join the editorial board for one year. All publishing and editorial decisions will be made collectively.

If interested, please send a letter of interest detailing your experience in editing, writing, publishing, activism, or other related endeavors, along with your vision of what you can bring to Dinah Press, to dinahpress at gmail com. Please do not apply if you’re not sure you can commit 1-5 hours a week to the project for at least one year. This will most likely be an unpaid position. For more information, email us or visit (but be aware that the site is under construction).

This entry was posted in Organizations, Media, Online Stuff, Whatever. Bookmark the permalink.

6 Responses to Call for Editors and Volunteers – Dinah Press

  1. Conrad Rader says:

    Congratulations on acceptance to library school. On behalf of the profession, welcome. I’m a ten year veteran of the public library and love it every day (mostly).

  2. Mandolin says:

    I can’t, but that is so, so cool.

    May I plug on my LJ?

    Also, I owe you an email and I’m sorry I’m so behind on that.

  3. Julie says:

    Conrad – thanks!

    Mandolin – Yes! Plug! Everyone, plug! (And it’s cool about the email – I’m like the empress of late emails.)

  4. Congratulations! I will share this with my colleagues and beyond. I am at AWP right now and will be letting people here know too.

  5. Julie says:

    Richard, that would be wonderful! (Also, I’m jealous – I’ve always wanted to go to AWP.) Thanks!

  6. Pingback: Dinah Press Lives! | Alas, a Blog

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