Author Archives: Kay Olson

Grand Rounds: Briefing the Next U.S. President

The latest Grand Rounds, a weekly carnival on medical and health blogging, is a collection around the theme of “Briefing the Next U.S. President.” Check it out at Sharp Brains. Cross-posted at The Gimp Parade

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Phoning It In

Last month, the state of Massachusetts issued a report on an August 2007 incident at one of the group homes of the Judge Rotenberg Center (JRC) where, on the basis of a phonecall, two boys were awakened in the night … Continue reading

Posted in Disabled Rights & Issues | Comments Off  

New Disability Blog Carnival at [with]tv

The latest Disability Blog Carnival is up at [with]tv where Connie Kuusisto (also blogging at Planet of the Blind) has compiled a collection of links on “Disability in the Media.” Check it out!  Cross-posted at The Gimp Parade

Posted in Disabled Rights & Issues, Media criticism | Comments Off  

Katie Jones and Deus ex machina

The story of Katie Jones has been circulating slowly on disability listservs and blogs since the December 9 article in the Chicago Tribune. FRIDA provided an early link to the story, and since then Crip Chick, Shiva, Bint, Trinity, Brownfemipower … Continue reading

Posted in Disabled Rights & Issues, In the news, Media criticism, Whatever | Comments Off  

"Ransom Notes" Ad Campaign Ends

Ari Ne’eman, president of the Autistic Self-Advocacy Network (ASAN) that led the protest against the NYU Child Study Center’s “Ransom Notes” ad campaign, announces: I am pleased to inform you that this afternoon the NYU Child Study Center announced that … Continue reading

Posted in Disabled Rights & Issues, In the news, Media criticism | Comments Off  


In “Blackface/Yellowface/*face” Wheelchair Dancer muses about identity politics, performance arts and disability culture: Despite years of discrimination and oppression and despite a history that is as appalling as the histories of other minoritized groups, there is no performing arts context … Continue reading

Posted in Disabled Rights & Issues, Links, Race, racism and related issues | Comments Off  

Friday Music: Boys on Wheels

Since I posted this at The Gimp Parade last June, Boys on Wheels has been a fairly major contributer to my site’s daily visitor hit count — easily 30+ hits per day. Obviously people are fascinated enough to Google. So, … Continue reading

Posted in Whatever | Comments Off  

Disability Blog Carnival

The latest Disability Blog Carnival is up at Andrea’s Buzzing About, where the theme is “A Few of Our Favorite Things.” Check it out, or look through past carnivals. Connie Kuusisto hosts the next one at [with]tv on Thursday, January … Continue reading

Posted in Disabled Rights & Issues | Comments Off  

The "Ransom Notes" Campaign

We have your son.We are destroying his ability for social interaction and driving him into a life of complete isolation. It’s up to you now…Asperger’s Syndrome The NYU Child Study Center has a new public education campaign designed to create … Continue reading

Posted in Disabled Rights & Issues, Fat, fat and more fat, Gender and the Body, Media criticism | Comments Off  

Prison suicides and mental illness

Piggybacking on Amp’s report of recent NYT statistics on prisons and prisoners in the U.S. is the news that prisoner suicides in Massachusetts state prisons are nearly triple the rate in other states. From the first part of a three-part … Continue reading

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