It is my contention that any politician who runs on a "tough on crime" platform should be investigated for corruption.…
Apologies for the rambling but I have a half-formed thought I wanted to work through here. It feels like a…
Thanks! Done partly for realism, and partly so I'd have one word less to fit in the balloon. :-p
I like the realistic touch where you have the Republican congresscritter say "ban trans from participating in sports," instead of…
Category Archives: Atheism
Two Thumbs Up for Roger Ebert
If you’re ever feeling down about your life, feeling like you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired, just ready to give up, take a gander at how Roger Ebert is holding up. The longtime writer and movie critic … Continue reading
Who Thinks Atheists and Jews Can Go To Heaven?
In the New York Times, Charles Blow discusses a survey which found that most Christians in the US believe that even non-Christians can be saved: So in August, Pew asked the question again. (They released the results last week.) Sixty-five … Continue reading
Posted in Anti-Semitism, Atheism, In the news
The Carnival of The Godless
The recently posted Carnival of the Godless is your source for all sorts of atheistic joy. Visit! Comment!
This Is What's Going on In My Home Town–Nativity Scene Drama
Apparently they are fighting over a nativity scene. The problem erupted after a Columbus man apparently complained about equality of religions in displays at state parks. After a letter to the business manager of Ohio State parks regarding symbols of … Continue reading
Sartre’s Godless Philosophy and those of the Bourgeoisie
Lenin, of Lenin’s Tomb, blogs about Sartre and atheistic, or non-theistic, philosophy:
The trouble with the professional atheists or anti-theists these days is, apart from everything else that is bad and reductionist and ridiculous in what they write, that their apparently passionate commitment comes too cheap. It doesn’t require that they give anything up, change anything […] Continue reading
Posted in Atheism, Syndicated feeds
79th Edition of Carnival of the Godless
The 79th Carnival of the Godless is being held at the Sexy Secularist!:
Twas the month before Christmas, when – hey, what the heck?
Up go lights, decorations – all the holiday dreck!
Just this Thursday, we ate and we offered our thanks,
As next Christmas rolled in like an army of tanks.
All the stores are bedecked, all the […] Continue reading
Posted in Atheism, Syndicated feeds
Comments Off on 79th Edition of Carnival of the Godless
What should you do if you find an atheist?
Via the delightful Bean: I’m not sure whether to read this as real propaganda, parody, or clever fake propaganda. Also, I’ve given up coffee, but that cup looks pretty good. OK, the image seems to be from Objective 4 Kidz, … Continue reading
Posted in Atheism
Sweeney is the perfect accompaniment to a tough-on-crime comic. I bet the Judge had invested money in the prison industry.