Category Archives: Cartooning & comics

Cartoon: The Measure of Intelligence

This cartoon is by me and Nadine Scholtes. Did you catch the interactions between the animals? That was entirely made up by Nadine, and I love it. Donald Trump’s board game – and yes, that is a thing that exists … Continue reading

Posted in Cartooning & comics, Whatever | 38 Comments  

Cartoon: The Celestial Politics of Trans Bans

This cartoon is a collaboration with Becky Hawkins. And Becky wrote the text for this Patreon post, too! Take it away, Becky! This script seemed like a natural fit for me since I’ve been doing autobio comics with a shoulder … Continue reading

Posted in Cartooning & comics, Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans and Queer issues, Transsexual and Transgender related issues | 3 Comments  

Cartoon: Hey did you hear? Biden is old!

One of my occasional non-evergreen cartoons. I’ve drawn “Media” as a guy with a TV for their head at least once before. But the design of the character is definitely evolving. And in this cartoon, a lot of that comes … Continue reading

Posted in Cartooning & comics, Media criticism | 12 Comments  

Cartoon: Let’s Outlaw Being Homeless! That’ll Work!

This cartoon is drawn by the always-great R. E. Ryan. I worked for many years at a historic church site in Portland, Oregon. The most fun part of the job was directing wedding rehearsals. (As a wedding coordinator, I helped … Continue reading

Posted in Cartooning & comics, Class, poverty, labor, & related issues, Economics and the like | 4 Comments  

Cartoon: Free Trade Is For Peasants, Not Cartoonists!

There’s something bizarrely fun about drawing myself as a cliche of a wealthy man. Although at the same time I was drawing this cartoon, I was also working on a still-to-come cartoon which also involves lots and lots of panels … Continue reading

Posted in Cartooning & comics, Economics and the like | 1 Comment  

Cartoon: “Sex Is Real” Is A Euphemism

This cartoon was drawn by my frequent collaborator Nadine Scholtes. The video blogger Natalie Wynn, also known as “Contrapoints,” years ago made an observation that’s stuck with me. “Sex is real” is a euphemism designed to present… transphobia as a … Continue reading

Posted in Cartooning & comics, Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans and Queer issues, Transsexual and Transgender related issues | 3 Comments  

Cartoon: Appealing to Trump Voters by Getting Tough on Immigration!

It’s extremely common for centrist Democrats to say that we must change this or that policy to attract more right-wing voters into the Democratic camp. We have to toughen up on immigration; we have to stop advocating for trans rights; … Continue reading

Posted in Cartooning & comics, Elections and politics, Immigration, Migrant Rights, etc | 30 Comments  


This cartoon is drawn by Becky Hawkins – back on the set of The JAQ Off, which she created, and which may be the only purposely repeating setting in Leftycartoons. (Not counting repeating settings like “Barry is drawing characters walking … Continue reading

Posted in Cartooning & comics, Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans and Queer issues, Transsexual and Transgender related issues | 25 Comments  

Cartoon: Biden Stuffed Ballot Boxes in Boise!

If you like these cartoons, blah blah blah Patreon. A zombie belief on the right that will never be killed is that Democrats massively cheat in every major election, manufacturing tens of thousands of fake votes, usually in ways that … Continue reading

Posted in Cartooning & comics, Conservative zaniness, right-wingers, etc., Elections and politics | 1 Comment  

Cartoon: Crackpots, Left vs Right

This cartoon was drawn by Becky Hawkins! See if you can spot the little details she sneaked in (answers at the bottom). “There are crackpots on the left, too!” is a pretty common sentiment – one of the many false … Continue reading

Posted in Cartooning & comics, Conservative zaniness, right-wingers, etc. | 1 Comment