Category Archives: In the news

GOP Candidate for Senate calls Chuck Schumer "That Jew"

TPM: Arkansas state Sen. Kim Hendren, who is currently the only announced Republican candidate for U.S. Senator against Democratic incumbent Blanche Lincoln in 2010, has apologized for referring to Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) as “that Jew,” at a county Republican … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Conservative zaniness, right-wingers, etc., In the news | 11 Comments

Cop chastises 911 caller for potty mouth, hangs up on her, then arrests her

Via Rad Geek, the transcript of the first of a few 911 calls, made by a 17-year-old girl attempting to get an ambulance for her father, who had suffered a bad fall. McFarlan did eventually send help, but lied about … Continue reading

Posted in Feminism, sexism, etc, In the news, Prisons and Justice and Police | 27 Comments

Dora The Explorer's Makeover

From an Associated Press story, reporting on the widespread objections among mom-bloggers to the “new Dora” doll planned for October: Mattel and Nickelodeon both say there are two major misconceptions about the new Dora, which is not replacing the “Dora … Continue reading

Posted in Fat, fat and more fat, Feminism, sexism, etc, Gender and the Body, In the news | 20 Comments

The stupid! It burns!

Digby: When asked on CNN about whether or not the Republicans regret taking out the pandemic money in the stimulus, Michael Steele said “we didn’t know there was going to be a flu pandemic! You can’t make that link!”

Posted in In the news | 17 Comments


Okay, there’s no need to panic, but the H1N1 outbreak in Mexico may well be cause for concern. But hopefully not too much of one: So swine flu has come out of nowhere. It has unfortunately killed some people, and … Continue reading

Posted in Immigration, Migrant Rights, etc, In the news, Latin America | 15 Comments

Japanese Women Fight Back Against Domestic Violence

Found this good report on Al Jazeera English.

Posted in Families structures, divorce, etc, Feminism, sexism, etc, In the news | 6 Comments

Hindrocket Wrong About Something Again

Oh, Blogger Formerly Known as Hindrocket, why can’t I quit you? You say the wingnuttiest stuff imaginable — it’s so precious! And you’re able to get worked up so easily — it’s adorable! Take today, for example. You got really, … Continue reading

Posted in Conservative zaniness, right-wingers, etc., In the news, International issues | 8 Comments

Supreme Court Seems Poised to Okay Schools Strip-Searching 13-year-old for Ibuprofen; also, Stephen Breyer needs to stop rewatching that scene in "Porky's"

Dahlia Lithwick reports on the oral arguments at the Supreme Court, involving a 13 year old girl stripped-searched because she had been falsely accused of giving ibuprofen to other students: Adam Wolf, the ACLU lawyer who represents Redding, explains that … Continue reading

Posted in In the news, Rape, intimate violence, & related issues, Supreme Court Issues | 60 Comments

Bill in congress would eliminate racist cocaine sentencing discrepancy

  Via Global Investment Watch, a letter from Color of Change, asking for folks to contact their congresscritters.  This bill, if it passes, is a good example of how the marginal difference between Democrats and Republicans, marginal though it is, … Continue reading

Posted in In the news, Prisons and Justice and Police, Race, racism and related issues | 19 Comments

Obama and Chavez: "Hombres del Fuego"

I knew Fox News was bad and wasn’t even really an actual journalistic television station, but this? Damn! The Daily Show With Jon Stewart M – Th 11p / 10c This Week in Demagogues – Ahmadinejad & Chavez Daily … Continue reading

Posted in Conservative zaniness, right-wingers, etc., In the news, Latin America, Media criticism, Popular (and unpopular) culture, The Obama Administration | 5 Comments