If one assumes that a person is making their money, including enough money to have no incentive to "work", by…
Ob sie wirklich Deutsch spricht. Normalweise, kommt die US Soldaten nicht ins Stadt und spricht nicht so oft mit denn…
As for being a Nazi, ich spreche fliessend deutsch und wohnte in Deutschland fuer drei Jahre mit der americanishe Luftwaffe…
And of course this "incentive" only applies to poor people: Rich people who already have enough to live off of…
Category Archives: In the news
Fill In The Thought Balloon: Disgraced Governor Blagojevich Edition
Hey, remember when Sydney met Governor Blagojevich? At the time, Sydney’s Aunt Chris said “he’s pretty much a crook like most of the Chicago/Illinois politicians, but he does take a nice picture.” Anyhow, in light of Governor Blagojevich’s arrest this … Continue reading
Posted in Baby & kid blogging, In the news
Don't Be That Guy
That guy, in this case, is Chad Michael Morrisette, who has come up with a hi-larious Halloween display: A West Hollywood Halloween display showing a likeness of Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin hanging by a noose has caused a … Continue reading
Black Women Bloggers Push Missing Girl Story Into Press (Update: She's been found)
UPDATE: Tekenya has been found! From a comment left by Renee: I am happy to report that she was found this morning at 11:45 am. This story really had an effect on me both as a WOC and a mother. … Continue reading
Posted in In the news
Federal Anti-Drug Commercials Encourage Pot Usage
Excellent. The study appears online and in the December issue of the American Journal of Public Health. The researchers surveyed 8,117 children from 1999 to 2001 and followed up with many of them over the next several years. The children … Continue reading
Posted in In the news
"The movement began to devour itself."
Since everyone seems to be talking about Bill Ayers and the Weatherman Underground here is a short trailer from the 2002 film “The Weather Underground.” Here is a quote from a Black Panther during the time the Weatherman Underground was … Continue reading
Posted in In the news
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Ezra Klein on The Five Worst Problems With The Bailout Bill
This summary post by Ezra is so good, I can’t resist quoting it at length. THE FIVE WORST PROBLEMS WITH THE BAILOUT BILL. Commentary on the bailout has been a bit fractured as people work to understand this and that … Continue reading
Posted in Economics and the like, In the news
The No Deal
I think Paul Krugman has this dead to rights: I hate to say this, but looking at the plan as leaked, I have to say no deal. Not unless Treasury explains, very clearly, why this is supposed to work, other … Continue reading
Posted in Economics and the like, In the news
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This Guy Didn't Deserve to be Drugged and Robbed
As much as I understand why people want to say he did. Yes, he’s a total douchebag, and here’s a hint for anyone looking for a night of romance with someone you don’t actually know: don’t be carrying around $150 … Continue reading
Posted in In the news
When capitalized, "Sie" is the formal way to address adults of either gender in polite German. I majored in the…