I Have a Book I'd Like to Sell You

As of late last night,The Valkyrie’s Tale is officially available for purchase through my publisher, Lulu.com. The trade paper version clocks in at 444 pages and costs $24.95 plus shipping (but no tax). If you’re in a hurry and/or you’d like to save money, you can also download an electronic copy for $2.95 — which is, needless to say, much cheaper, though it’s harder to take into the bathtub.

If you’re looking to get a flavor of the story, feel free to read the first two chapters of it at no charge to you, the reader. (More excerpts to come, so stay tuned!)

I do want to thank everyone who’s been helpful to me during the creation of this book: Mark and Jill Bradford; James Ian Broadhurst; Michele Carroll; Andy Crouch; Kay and Bob Fecke; Chris and Jenn Rasinen; Donald and Diana Rasinen; Don and Marne Rasinen; and Stew Snyder for their support and assistance; and to Miia Rasinen, for possessing a name which I have now pilfered and given to a Valkyrie; I either apologize or grant a hearty “you’re welcome,” depending.

I’d also like to thank National Novel Writing Month, for giving me an excuse to write a novel in the first place, and Lynne Lancaster for the use of her image, “Tree 2,” for the cover of this novel. And of course, Barry, for not telling me that I can’t post this, mainly because I didn’t ask in advance. I’ll make up for it by plugging Hereville, which is awesome, and I’m not just saying that because I’m allowed to post here.

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3 Responses to I Have a Book I'd Like to Sell You

  1. Ampersand says:

    And of course, Barry, for not telling me that I can’t post this, mainly because I didn’t ask in advance.

    What! (sputter!) God dammit, it’s totally inappropriate for you to use this space for plugs! You’re fired!

    I’ll make up for it by plugging Hereville

    Oh! Umn… well, never mind then. Carry on.

  2. Ampersand says:

    But seriously, congratulations. Do you have plans for a second novel?

  3. Jeff Fecke says:

    I’m halfway through the draft of this book’s sequel, but that may get set aside as I’ve got a muse (Clio, I think) tugging at me to write a novel on something completely different, and I think I’m going to have to get that stuff down before I move back to this.

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