If one assumes that a person is making their money, including enough money to have no incentive to "work", by…
Ob sie wirklich Deutsch spricht. Normalweise, kommt die US Soldaten nicht ins Stadt und spricht nicht so oft mit denn…
As for being a Nazi, ich spreche fliessend deutsch und wohnte in Deutschland fuer drei Jahre mit der americanishe Luftwaffe…
And of course this "incentive" only applies to poor people: Rich people who already have enough to live off of…
Author Archives: Jeff Fecke
Guest Post: Hello From a Female Lesbian Woman!
We at Alas, a Blog are very excited to share this post from an avid reader from Yemen, Jasmine Agrabah. Hello! My name is Jasmine Agrabah. I’m a lesbian female woman lesbian who lives in Sana’a, and I am very excited … Continue reading
Thank You, Minnesota GOP
You know, I think I need to thank the Minnesota GOP for its decision to push through an anti-same-sex-marriage amendment. Don’t get me wrong; I don’t support the amendment. I couldn’t oppose it more if it was a proposed constitutional amendment … Continue reading
You Cannot Hide
Bradlee Dean wasn’t supposed to give the invocation at the start of yesterday’s Minnesota House session. Oh, I don’t mean he wasn’t scheduled, or was a last-minute replacement or something; all indications are that he was invited by Rep. Ernie … Continue reading
Zombie Marie Curie!
Go read xkcd right now. I have spoken.
Posted in Cartooning & comics, Feminism, sexism, etc
It’s the Holocaust of Analogies
Via Sadly, No!, the wisdom of Our Michele: Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann on Saturday described the loss of “economic liberty” that young Americans face today as a “flash point of history” in which the younger generation will ask what their elders did … Continue reading
Humans Had a Nice Run
Our species accomplished a lot in the 200,000 years we were around. The Mona Lisa. Landing on the Moon. The Snuggie. But clearly, our time as masters of our domain is over; there is no question that today’s news represents … Continue reading
Posted in Elections and politics, Media criticism
When capitalized, "Sie" is the formal way to address adults of either gender in polite German. I majored in the…