I like the realistic touch where you have the Republican congresscritter say "ban trans from participating in sports," instead of…
A compromise would be the right agreeing to reduce greenhouse emissions to some extent but democrats are in no position…
Not really - I was just shooting for "generic white congresswoman."
So, was Maine Senator Susan Collins your principle inspiration for the female congresscritter?
Category Archives: Homophobic zaniness/more LGBTQ issues
Closeted Gay Man Terrified His Wife Will Discover His Secret
I realize it’s just wooden acting, but if we pretend the acting is top-notch, it’s hard not to notice how very, very conflicted the husband seems. Via Tod Kelly.
New Mexico Court Says Photographers Are Legally Required To Photograph Same-Sex Commitment Ceremonies
I wanted to comment briefly on Elane Photography vs Willock. The case is pretty simple. Vanessa Willock emailed Elane Photography asking if they’d photograph her and her partner’s same-sex commitment ceremony (New Mexico law doesn’t recognize gay marriages). Elaine Huguenin … Continue reading
You Have To Watch This Video
It speaks for itself: Edited to add the following description and transcript, helpfully provided by Jen in Ohio: A fair-skinned boy approximately age 14 with short dishwater blond hair sits in a desk chair. There are closed window blinds behind … Continue reading
A Civil Discussion: Should SSM Opponents Lose Their Children?
I think that as our understanding of what it means to be a parent evolves and our understanding of how damaging homophobia is evolves, we must consider the possibility that opponents of Same Sex Marriage are, by teaching their children … Continue reading
Prop 8 Proponents Have Standing To Defend It In Court
NPR Report The Full Decision I think this is the right decision. I’m in favor of full legal equality for all citizens. I don’t believe that there is a legitimate state interest in restricting marriage rights to heterosexual couples. I … Continue reading
Please Stop Snarking About Marcus Bachmann’s Sexual Orientation
There’s been a lot of smarmy talk about Marcus Bachmann, the husband of anti-gay presidential candidate Michele Bachmann, being secretly gay. Not because anyone knows of him having actually, you know, had sex with men. But because of the way … Continue reading
Thank You, Minnesota GOP
You know, I think I need to thank the Minnesota GOP for its decision to push through an anti-same-sex-marriage amendment. Don’t get me wrong; I don’t support the amendment. I couldn’t oppose it more if it was a proposed constitutional amendment … Continue reading
You Cannot Hide
Bradlee Dean wasn’t supposed to give the invocation at the start of yesterday’s Minnesota House session. Oh, I don’t mean he wasn’t scheduled, or was a last-minute replacement or something; all indications are that he was invited by Rep. Ernie … Continue reading
Thanks! Done partly for realism, and partly so I'd have one word less to fit in the balloon. :-p