Category Archives: Health Care and Related Issues

More on freedom, birth control and employer coercion

In comments, Sebastian writes: You’d have to squint pretty hard to get the idea that freedom from state coercion is a general organizing principle of progressivism […] See for example recent progressive discussions about the state forcing employers to provide … Continue reading

Posted in Economics and the like, Health Care and Related Issues, Libertarianism | Comments Off  

Health care and non-compete agreements

[Written by Kay Olson, and crossposted from The Gimp Parade with Kay’s kind permission]. Two years ago this week I got caught up in a legal dispute that briefly threatened my life. Obviously, I’m still alive, but a version of … Continue reading

Posted in Disabled Rights & Issues, Health Care and Related Issues | Comments Off  

Pain Medication Comments That Annoy Me

The Agitator is essential reading, one of the best political blogs anywhere. Still, Radley Balko sometimes uncritically parrots libertarian tropes. Government Evil! Liberals Stupid! For instance, today he posted this libertarian boilerplate: Alternet publishes article calling for government monitoring of … Continue reading

Posted in crossposted on TADA, Health Care and Related Issues, Whatever | Comments Off  

We Are The 99 Percent

Hey, you busy? Not doing much? You feel like sobbing like a baby? Then read the We Are The 99 Percent tumblr. It’s just a collection of personal stories from people who have worked hard within this cruelly rigged system … … Continue reading

Posted in Class, poverty, labor, & related issues, Economics and the like, Education, Health Care and Related Issues | Comments Off  

It’s Not My Business

It should come as no surprise — though it should shock anyone with any decency — that the Tea Party fanatics would applaud the idea of letting the uninsured die: ‘Let Him Die’: Tea Party Debate Audience Cheers This is … Continue reading

Posted in Conservative zaniness, right-wingers, etc., Economics and the like, Health Care and Related Issues | Comments Off  

Dudley Clendinen on dying and on choosing not to extend his life

Writer Dudley Clendinen is dying of Lou Gehrig’s Disease, or “Lou” as he calls it. He’s written an excellent short essay about the experience of dying, and on his decision to not extend his life. Here’s a sample from his … Continue reading

Posted in Health Care and Related Issues | Comments Off  

Computer Decides That The 4th Circuit Will Decide In Favor Of Individual Mandate

In other news, a computer’s random selection of judges — two Obama appointees and a Clinton appointee — has pretty much guaranteed that the 4th circuit court will say that the individual mandate is constitutional. (Our judiciary is now so … Continue reading

Posted in crossposted on TADA, Health Care and Related Issues, In the news | Comments Off  

Political Cartoon: Health Care and Freedom

[spoiler]The scene: A woman in casual business wear addresses the reader directly. Panel one Woman: i’m TRAPPED in my job, because my kid is sick, and if i change jobs there goes my health insurance! Panel two Woman: i have … Continue reading

Posted in Cartooning & comics, Health Care and Related Issues | Comments Off  

Are Leftist Solutions Solutions If They’re Not Politically Viable?

In comments, I wrote: Barring some truly enormous increase in the amount of taxes Americans are willing to pay — the costs of medicare et al are going to increasingly crowd out other things that I think we should also … Continue reading

Posted in crossposted on TADA, Elections and politics, Health Care and Related Issues | Comments Off  

You can’t talk about the debt without talking about rising medical costs

Via Andrew Sullivan, I read this article by Anne Lowrey trying to make the deficit understandable by putting it in terms of a household budget. For our purposes, let’s use $60,000 as the government’s income and $85,000 as its expenses. … Continue reading

Posted in crossposted on TADA, Economics and the like, Health Care and Related Issues | Comments Off