Nobody, LOL! I honestly haven't run into that factoid before.
Gar, thanks! Any sharing is good sharing! My URL is on the image itself on the left border, so anyone…
I don't think the existence of exceptions to a clear general trend, disproves that the trend exists. Interestingly, Mexicans seem…
Mental Floss "Word Nerd" 2025 Calendar January 9: Ampersand "Yes, an ampersand is a punctuation mark, but in the 1900s,…
Category Archives: Free speech, censorship, copyright law, etc.
I don’t care how the CEO of Marvel Comics spends his money
It’s his money. When I order pizza, I don’t ask how the pizza delivery person plans to spend the tip. Why should I feel differently about comics? Whether or not we buy products from people shouldn’t be a referendum on … Continue reading
Paramount and CBS Sue To Stop A Fan-Made Star Trek Movie
Mike Glyer at File 770 writes: Paramount and CBS have filed a copyright infringement suit against Alec Peters and others involved in making Axanar, a fan-produced Star Trek movie project that raised more than $1 million on Kickstarter and Indiegogo. … Continue reading
Hotel Fires Employee For Calling Someone A “Slut” Online. Is This A Free Speech Issue?
Content warning: Misogynistic online harassment, including rape threats. I want to respond to a comment left by Desipis, but to do that, I’ll need to bring in some context. Clementine Ford is a feminist columnist from Australia. Various misogynists have … Continue reading
Greer in Cardiff Follow-Up
Since I previously posted about Greer in Cardiff, it’s worth noting that Germaine Greer did speak in Cardiff, as planned. She had said earlier that she wasn’t going to, but apparently she changed her mind. A few notes: 1) After … Continue reading
I Stand By Irene Gallo
“Nielsen-Haydens, your fellow travelers, and media goombahs . . . I MOCK YOU! I MOCK YOUR ASININE INCESTUOUS CLUSTERFUCKED LITTLE CULTURE OF DOCTRINAIRE PROGRESSOSEXUAL MEDIOCRITY MASKED AS SUPERIORITY! You are all dolts. You are moral and physical cowards. You are … Continue reading
In Which Amp Realizes That Two Arguments That Frustrate Me Are Actually The Same
As regular readers know (and by “know,” I mean, “are probably sick of hearing”), I’m against it when folks organize to economically punish others for their political views. Very frequently, when I write or talk about this, I’ll run into … Continue reading
Criticism Isn’t Censorship, National Review.
A National Review article, How to Censor Speakers on College Campuses, is subtitled “Oberlin students trying to censor Christina Hoff Sommers conflate speech and violence.” ((It’s possible that someone else at the NR, rather than Cooke, was responsible for the … Continue reading
#SavingChase: Judge Orders Mom Arrested For Violating Agreement To Have Her 4-Year-Old Son Circumcised
From the Florida Sun Sentinel (if that link is paywall blocked, try this indirect link). Despite the threat of being jailed Tuesday, a West Boynton mother hid with her 4-year-old son in a domestic violence shelter, the latest twist in … Continue reading
_Railsea_ by China Mieville has ampersands as part of the story-- both text and symbolism. A genuinely weird surrealist novel.