It is my contention that any politician who runs on a "tough on crime" platform should be investigated for corruption.…
Apologies for the rambling but I have a half-formed thought I wanted to work through here. It feels like a…
Thanks! Done partly for realism, and partly so I'd have one word less to fit in the balloon. :-p
I like the realistic touch where you have the Republican congresscritter say "ban trans from participating in sports," instead of…
Category Archives: Breastfeeding & Lactivism
What Would the Virgin Mary Do?
I’m currently trying to revise and expand Lady Madonna for publication as part of an essay collection, and I just had this thought. Noting the similarities between me and a classical image of Madonna and Child is harmless enough. Concluding … Continue reading
Posted in Breastfeeding & Lactivism
Boobs Kick Breasts Off Plane; Nation Saved
The boobs at Delta, that is. ((Freedom Air, actually, but Freedom Air was acting as Delta, or Delta was doing business as Freedom Air, or something. I’ve never quite groked all the little airline intertwining.)) See that photo, to the … Continue reading
Posted in Breastfeeding & Lactivism
Breast Feeding Cover Causes Controversy
It seems that about 1/4 of the readers of this magazine were offended by this cover. I can’t even feign any sort of objectivity on this subject. I usually try to be the semi-neutral academic blogger, but I can’t figure … Continue reading
Screw You Fred Meyers: The Story of the Reluctant Lactivist
Many discussions on Alas have boiled down to the idea that much would be solved if people would just begin to trust women. Trust in their intentions, trust in their motivations and trust in their decisions. The simple phrase ‘trust … Continue reading
Lady Madonna, baby at your breast…
This is an edited version of an essay that first appeared on The Iron-On Line Although my baby’s still a few months away from eating anything other than amniotic fluid, my midwife has already asked whether I’ve decided how I’m … Continue reading
Why YOU Should Unconditionally Support Breastfeeding!
Breastfeeding and the need for strong societal support is a topic that was discussed at length in a prior post of mine, dealing with comments made by media maven Barbara Walters on her women’s talk show, The View. In the … Continue reading
Breastfeeding Activists Target Barbara Walters and "˜The View'
A new group of activists have joined the fray of fighting for women’s rights; their goal to nurse without shame or scorn where and when they choose or need. Cleverly touting themselves as ‘lactivists’, they’ve put Barbara Walters under fire … Continue reading
The Mother Drive-By
Getupgrrl at Chez Miscarriage has been doing an amazing series of posts on what she terms “mother drive-bys.” It began with this post, a totally excellent, kick-ass feminist critique of Judith Warner’s are-we-mothering-too-much book Perfect Madness. That post generated a … Continue reading
Breast-feeding at a business meeting
Someone emailed me asking about this situation. A friend of hers – who works, I believe, in academia – has a colleague on maternity leave, “but insisted on attending the interviews of job candidates for a position in their department.” … Continue reading
Posted in Breastfeeding & Lactivism
Sweeney is the perfect accompaniment to a tough-on-crime comic. I bet the Judge had invested money in the prison industry.