It’s extremely common for centrist Democrats to say that we must change this or that policy to attract more right-wing voters into the Democratic camp. We have to toughen up on immigration; we have to stop advocating for trans rights; we have to forget about this environment stuff; etc etc..
(Decades ago, centrists were saying Democrats absolutely had to move right on abortion to attract more voters. Which seems ironic now, since reaction against the Supreme Court overturning Roe v Wade is what’s done the most lately to push voters into the Democratic camp.)
Here’s the thing: It won’t work. It’ll never work.
Most truly swing voters simply aren’t that engaged with politics. They can’t name a supreme court justice, or who the vice president is, any more than I could tell you the name of the teams who played in the last Super Bowl. They’re certainly not familiar with the nuances of which exact immigration policies are supported by either party. Attempting to appeal to these voters with policy changes is probably a waste of time.
Then there are voters like the voters in this cartoon – passionately engaged voters who, probably due to the media bubbles they spend their time in, are convinced that the Democrats are something between idiots and malicious supervillains, and who see no differences between Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders, or even between Biden and Noam Chomsky.
Changing policy will never appeal to these voters, because FOX and other right-wing news sources will tell them that it’s a trick or a lie (if they even report on the policy change at all). They know that anything mainstream news (let alone Democrats) say is a lie and the only news source they can trust is FOX, and they know that’s true because FOX says so. (Or Trump. Or Alex Jones. The point is, they’ve got a closed universe of trustworthy sources, and we are not in that universe.)
I’m not thrilled with how panel two came out; I was experimenting with a different approach to drawing the background, and in hindsight I should have just drawn the background and desk with a two-point perspective grid (which is how I did panel three).
But I did have a lot of fun filling in the background shelves with books and stuff.
Panels one and four, which consist to a great degree of piles of ridiculous angry faces, were just awesome to draw. And Frank Young did a great job with the colors!
This cartoon has four panels. All of them feature the same character, who I’ll call “DEMOCRAT,” an older man with neatly combed, thick gray hair, rectangular glasses, and is usually wearing a suit and tie.
Democrat is facing a big crowd of very angry people (mostly male, mostly white). They’re so crowded together that most of them seem like just a pile of faces. In the lead, a man wearing a short-sleeved collared shirt with a necktie shakes a fist in the air as he SCREAMS at Democrat. His face is a picture of rage.
Democrat listens calmly, rubbing his chin with a hand.
DEMOCRAT (thought balloon): I want people like them to vote for Democrats, so I’ll give them what they want.
Democrat is now in an office, seated behind a large and fancy desk. This looks like a pretty nice office. Democrat is on the phone, yelling at someone and pounding his fist on the desk.
DEMOCRAT: Forget helping the Dreamers! From now on Democrats support border security! Make it tougher! Send away asylum seekers! Hire more border guards!
Democrat is now on stage, standing behind a podium with a microphone pointed at him, giving a speech. A spotlight shines on him. He’s grinning.
DEMOCRAT: Our new bill is the toughest border security bill ever!
This panel, much like the first panel, shows Democrat facing a crowd of very angry people, with the same dude leading them. That dude is pointing a finger at Democrat and is yelling, his face just as furious as in panel 1. Democrat is talking to him with a smile, bent forward a little with his hands clasped together.
DEMOCRAT: So you like Democrats better now, right?
“Chicken fat” is a cartoonist expression for fun but meaningless details slipped into a cartoon.
In panel one, the person in the foreground with his back to us is a self-portrait.
In panel two, there are a number of books on shelves in the backgrounds. Titles of these books include “Duck Soup,” “A Night At The Opera,” and “Horse Feathers” – for those of you who don’t know, those are all titles of Marx Brothers movies. Another book just has “TITLE” written on the spine in big letters. Another says “Covfefe! The Musical.” And two more, shelved next to each other, are titled “Tiny Lettering” and “Tiny Lettering 2.”
Also on the shelves is a bottle of booze and a decapitated head. Finally, in the tiny space under one of the shelves, a rat is reading a book.
In panel three, the seal on the front of the podium has the words “colorless green ideas sleep furiously,” which is a sentence “composed by Noam Chomsky in his 1957 book Syntactic Structures as an example of a sentence that is grammatically well-formed, but semantically nonsensical.” (There’s an entire wikipedia article about this sentence.)
The bird on the seal, which would usually be an eagle, is Opus the Penguin from Bloom County,
In panel four, there are two familiar faces seeded among the sea of angry faces: Bert from Sesame Street, and Frankenstein.
(Speaking of Frankenstein, I have no idea who created this little addendum to Mary Shelley’s novel, but I love it.)
When capitalized, "Sie" is the formal way to address adults of either gender in polite German. I majored in the…